Articles for: PowerShell

PowerShell: Create MSSQL database

Sometimes is important to create MSSQL database by PowerShell script and make it automated so let's look at how we can do that.

PowerShell: Remove Docker containers and images

I would like to share with you Powershell script for handling Docker containers and images especially removing them. This script saved me a lot of time because I need relatively often recreate docker images to get new changes inside.

PowerShell: Runnig scripts is disabled (Execution Policies)

When you try to run Powershell script for the first time you will get an error because default execution policy for Windows is to not run Powershell scripts and we have to change this policy before.

MSBuild csproj - run Powershell script before rebuild

Sometimes you will need to run PowerShell or another script before the Rebuild process. To do that you can extend *.csproj file with Exec node and place your script call into Command property.

Manage Azure from Powershell (by Azure CLI)

How to manage Azure resources from Powershell? In general, there are two options Azure CLI or Azure Powershell